Email Services - Frequently Asked Questions:
General Information
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What's the difference between Basic and Enhanced Security?
An account using one of our email services can be set up with either
"Basic" or "Enhanced" Security. Basic Security accounts have a local password, a password that is set on the email server
and allows the user to log in to the server using that local
password. Enhanced Security accounts do not have a local
password and they access the server by using their Kerberos
credentials, known as the PennKey.
Enhanced Security users can only use email clients that are Kerberos compliant.
Whether you have a Basic or Enhanced Security account,
a user should never, never give his/her password to anyone else.
If you need to share your account with someone else, there are
mechanisms for doing that that don't involve sharing passwords. No administrator should ever need to know your password to help you with any problem you may be experiencing with your account.